Thursday, June 21, 2007

Little Pleasures

Sometimes it's the little things in life. Sitting in the shade in my backyard on an 85 degree day: reading a good book, drinking sweet iced tea (okay, so it did give me heartburn later, but at that moment it was perfect) and watching the sun light up a sprinkler.

And then there is this:

Planet Unicorn

I have nothing else to say. Except maybe Heyyyyyy!


Anonymous said...

Right on LeeAnne.

Lemon sorbet is on my list today. It's 85 degrees in Southern Calif. today. I wish I lived in Portland!

katie said...

I'm a comment in the form of a bird! Heyyy! Thanks for the linkage oh' ass kicking lovely one. Wish I was drinking tea in your backyard!

Anonymous said...

I totally nosed my Diet Dew.
I gotta go watch that again!

Anonymous said...

you trying to barge in on our territory? my wife was supposed to be the only leanne with cancer this spring!!!

someone must've fudged the contract.
or maybe they made an exception because you have an extra "e" in your name.

wish they hadn't.
wish you didn't have to deal with any of it.

write the fight.

(from luchalee)