Friday, June 29, 2007


I truly think that acupuncture has made a difference in how I feel between chemo treatments. Props to my neighbor Marcia at Different Drummer Acupuncture for a job well done!

For those of you who haven't had acupuncture before, rest assured that I am one of the all-time biggest needle woosies in the world. These needles are teeny tiny, and at most hurt just for a second or two. Once they're in, you can't feel anything but energy. I often fall asleep! What I know for sure is that my stomach feels better, food moves through my system better, and that I need fewer drugs to combat my side effects.

This picture was the first time I had needles in my face (for my sinuses and eyes, which have been bothering me). My usual treatment does involve needles in my scalp (helps with clarity) but also in my stomach and legs/feet for things like liver, kidneys and spleen. Cool, huh?

It's nice that there is something involving needles that turns out to be a really good thing.

1 comment:

katie said...

Look at that sexy smirk! Seriously, you could be Miss July in the "Acupuncture Babes" calendar!