Thursday, June 14, 2007


I know you are all dying to know exactly what I do on chemo day:

Get the kids to school
Check work email
Clean the kitchen thoroughly
Make sure the backlog of laundry is done
Tidy up the the house
Swiffer the dog hair
Grocery shop (making sure to replenish the wine... have to keep my caregivers happy!)
Run last minute errands

and psych up, once again, for the drug invasion that comes this afternoon.

It's the psyching up that is the real task of the day. I've said it before and I'll say it again: it goes against everything we are as living beings to voluntarily poison ourselves. It's just plain wrong.

However, I'm doing it and I'll keep on doing it because I plan on being here another 30 or 40 or 50 years. It is what one does. Soldier On. Stiff Upper Lip and all that. My eye is on the prize: August 24 - last chemo.

Say my mantra along with me if you will "I am walking through my treatments with grace and ease. I am walking through my treatments with grace and ease. I am walking through my treatments with grace and ease."

Here I go! I'm psyched!


Anonymous said...

Grace and ease baby, and if that doesnt work, you know the RGL has got your back!


ND said...

Poisoning is wrong, frying those cancer cells is right. Your hero's journey promises you the prize.

Unknown said...

You go LAM! I hope it went well today!


Kimi :-)

Amanda M said...

oh, the mantra is a good idea!! Grace and ease, grace and ease, and for me, day at a time, each day as it comes :)