I got off the couch and out of the house!
Actually, yesterday was the first day since Saturday I felt like I could move; like the air wasn't oatmeal that I had to swim through. The overwhelming waves of dizziness and weakness just stopped, and I worked nearly a full day. Then capped it by taking the kids out to pizza and following that with a pretty decent walk. Yeah! Fatigue lifted! Fricking FINALLY. This was by far the toughest chemo round I've had. I just don't cope well emotionally with day after day after day enforced laying down. I even called the oncology social worker, that's how bad it was.
Today I finally got to spend a few hours doing what I had hoped to do on the 4th and was too weak to do: I went to Blues Fest! Annie and JJ were mollified with all the food and drink they wanted; I was just happy to be there. I didn't care who was playing, I was OFF the couch, out in the world, watching people and really, that was good enough.
A few notes on the people watching: ponytails on men? Really, why are we still doing this? Aging hippies in general: not so pretty. Long grey hair just doesn't look all that good. On anyone. Men in tank tops? Again, not a good idea. And what is it with the following boomer man uniform: cargo shorts, vaguely Hawaiian shirt circa 1995, baseball hat and facial hair. Is this a Portland thing? An "I like blues music" thing? I don't get it. Hawaiian shirts are for Hawaii. Period. And guys? Just because Magnum P.I. sported the 'stache back in the 70's and you did to, doesn't mean you should STILL be doing it. And a beard? C'mon. That's just lazy. As for the ladies: just because they MAKE short shorts in your size doesn't mean you should be wearing

God I love Blues Fest.
That's enough snarky from me for one post. I'm so happy to feel kind of okay again and the best part is I get to get out of the house again tomorrow. Blues Fest runs through the weekend!! Where's my tie dye?
Hey LAM...Blues Fest huh? Was Big Al there? He was really something, wasn't he? I'm sorry this round of chemo was tough, but so glad you were able to get out with the kidlets for a bit. Fresh air, people watching, music and food, what more could you want. You look great, I love that picture of you and the kids.
Love, Dianne
Great photo of you and the kids...you look happy. Of course I know being at Blues Fest makes you VERY happy! This latest entry sounds like you've been watching a little too much "What Not to Wear" while lying on the sofa. :-)
A great big hug being sent your way!
Hey Lam, great picture of you and the kids. Blues fest sounds fun, the people watching alone would be reason to go. Totally agree on your fashion advice.
What a great picture! You all sure are cute!
Of course I too immediately thought of Big Al! Everybody sing... I got my mojo workin'....
Sadly, some of those fashions are still live and kickin' down here too. Even worse? Bob is an offender. I know, I know, but he's OLD, he doesn't know any better! LOL!! He wears the khaki (NOT car key) shorts, but at least he only has two hawaiian shirts and he doesn't wear a hat or have facial hair!
And don't even get me started on these ladies that just do NOT know their limits! EeeeeGADS people! Just because I look good in leather pants and a tube top doesn't mean it works for everyone!
I love it when you're snarky!
LOL I love this post LAM! Sorry to hear that this round of chemo was so bad. :-( Blues Fest sounds like fun! Oh, I love to people watch!
Love you!
I just wanted to say that I am thankful you are writing this blog. I hope you don't mind.
I am 36 and have two small girls and have just been diagnosed.
Your blog has made me cry and made me laugh. You write beautifully.
I would love to continue to pry into your road bump if you don't mind.
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