Saturday, April 14, 2007

My lazy Saturday

I'm not sure life gets much better than this:

-A house full of flowers,
-A refrigerator full of healthy food,
-Friends and family calling to check in,
-Not a thing to do all weekend but lay around recuperating,
-A marathon of "America's Next Top Model" on MTV!
Definitely a recipe for healthy healing!

I'm still sore and exhausted but getting better by the day. Thanks so much everyone for being so supportive of me. It means the world.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like an awesome day! I'm so glad you're starting to feel better. Much love Lammie.

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Kelly said. I hope your Sunday is just as good. Wish I was closer so we could just hang and rag on the model wanna be's. Love you.

Anonymous said...

So nice to read how you are doing and see your picture. I miss you, can I come visit this week?


Joseph said...

I definately wish you well in your battle against Cancer, but I have to say, I don't think MTV is the place for ANTM - E would seem a more logical choice.
I just wish MTV could go back to mostly showing videos again...
Here's a link to see how it was in 1983....