Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Today's Adventures

Whew! I am drain-free! I can barely express how good it feels to have that thing OUT. I won't get too graphic, but the part inside my body was much larger than the diameter of the tubing coming out. Removal stung, but only for a minute and my excellent friend Tracy allowed me to squeeze the heck out of her hand. I feel brave! My 2 incisions are healing as they should and within a week or so I'll be in really good shape. The numbness I feel in my upper arm is something I will have to continue to get used to. It might be around for a week or it might stick around forever. Bizarre.

In other adventures, first pathology is back from surgery. Dr. Niak said that no cancer was found in any other lymph nodes, only the one removed, and that the margins of my (rather small!) 1.1 cm tumor had pre-cancerous cells, but looked pretty good. More details to follow after Thursday's big multi-doc appointment.

I've managed mornings at the office so far, but by lunchtime my arm is throbbing and I have to lay down. I think with the drain gone I'll improve faster and will hopefully be back to a regular day by the end of the week. Hopefully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your appointment today!