I only cried a tiny bit. My hair was falling out like crazy yesterday anyway, so it was time. It was a shock to see so much ME in the mirror. No hair to cover anything up. This will take some getting used to. I like it though. And my friends were absolutely lovely. They assured me I looked beautiful, and made me feel so loved and cared for. I could not have asked for a better experience.
Annie was also here and helped throughout the process. She seemed shocked by none of it and told me I looked lovely. I think she enjoyed the "girl power" energy from my friends. JJ came home from soccer practice and announced that I looked "cool" and that it was fine for me to be this way around the house. Hopefully at some point he'll decide I'm fine this way wherever I go, as truth be told I'm not a big fan of wearing anything on my head. Especially in warm weather.

I have chemo appointment #2 this afternoon. I believe it will be just as easy as the first one.
A Babe Monk
Hey! You look totally cool! You got that Annie Lennox bad ass rocker thang goin ON!
Sistahs are doin it for them selves...
Thinkin of you this afternoon. You'll do great.
Love ya Lammie
You look freaking amazing! Seriously. Your smile is even more beautiful and easy for the world to enjoy.
*sniff sniff*
I am so proud of you!
Yowza! I dont look that good on my best day! Nicely done. You have always amazed me, but this is beyond that. Way to go.
Yowza! How cool are you? Way to go, you look awesome. In the immortal words of Paul McCartney, "Baby Im amazed!"
You're gorgeous bald! I can't wait to shave mine now.
You look beautiful! Go get 'em!
You look GREAT! Younger too like you are off to college, seriously.
Can't wait to see you.
Wow! You look great! I'm glad to hear that you had all that support, too.
Love ya!
You go! You look gorgeous with so much of you showing. And now all the time you will have for other things not having to do hair. Big hugs-
LAM! You can totally pull off the monk look. You look mahvelous. Your positive energy is shining through. :-)
Love you!
What great pics! You look amazing. And you can definitely pull off "going topless" (e.g. no hat). Congrats on taking the plunge.
You look beautiful LAM! That smile of yours is brighter than ever and now there is no hair to hide it!!! Go Girl.
You look awesome LAM! Go you and Go Annie for being there with y'all!
Love you!
There will be no "fly swatter" moments about this haircut woman! Now that I've seen the photos full size, there can be only one comment: "You look stunning!" Smile, eyes, cheekbones; now there is no hair to distract from them! WOW!
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