I'm officially now 2/3 of the way finished with cancer treatment. This calls for a big old woohoo! I made it through scary, icky chemotherapy and I will NEVER have to sit in a chemo recliner again! Knock wood. Thank you so much everybody, for the lovely emails and comments today. Thank you Katie, for sending so many good vibes my way. It was a wonderful send off to chemo to have an email box full of good wishes. Also big thanks to Claudia, for being here, and to my parents, as always, for being with me through every never ending chemo appointment.
I'm happily clutching a prescription for stronger pain meds, and I've decided that if Darvocet doesn't kick my bone and joint paint I'll keep calling the oncologist's nurse until something does. If I'm going to stay home and be in recovery mode I might as well be on good drugs. It's going to be a couple of weeks of hell, but give me three weeks and I just bet I'll feel tons better.
Just in time to start radiation.
That's right. Next up, starting mid-September, getting burnt 5 days a week for 6 weeks. The first 3 weeks will be a relative cakewalk, the last 3 I'll most like be quite fatigued, but I know what that's about. And my port can't come out until a month after radiation, so that's that.
Oh and I have very blond peach fuzz on my head. It's funny and reminds me of my son's hair when he was a baby. It might fall out, but it might not. Eyebrows and eyelashes are still thinning by the day. Maybe tomorrow I'll post a picture of the follicular activity.
I can't believe I did it! I'm done with chemo! Yeah!