Anyway, it's a sign of life from above. And it will be an ongoing adventure.
This picture also shows how thin and pale my brows have become (thank GOD for eyebrow pencil, not used here though) and maybe you can see that I have gaps in my eyelashes, maybe not. I had a lot to start with, so that probably helps.
I'm all ramped up on steroids today (see my puffy eyes?) I've been doing battle with my insurance company and really, if a person is going to have to do that, being on steroids helps!
Your head looks just like mine!
Woohoo!! No more chemo. And fuzz! Things are looking good. You did great.
Oooh, a fuzzy peach! About the insurance company, arent they just a bunch o thieving bastards? You let me know if you want me to go off on a rant on them, because I will!
The most interesting part of the detailed photo is the the reflection of the photographer in your eye! Thats pretty cool!
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